Help locate classmates…we need YOU!
Happy 2016! Hard to believe forty years has gone by so quickly, doesn’t it? Just think how fast the next 200 days are going to fly by and that’s WHY we need your help please. If each one of us would contact 5-10 classmates we have kept in touch with over the years, OR try and locate those we ran around with in High school, this will help us tremendously in contacting our classmates. Please point our fellow NWC 76 classmates to the website and have each complete the “Your Contact Information” which will update our database and allow us to communicate with you. Our hope is to have this site AFTER the reunion and we will be able to post and share pictures and have an ongoing blog for anyone interested. Lastly, what have you enjoyed about the last reunions, OR desire to see in this reunion? While we have secured the locations, we invite your input to make this YOUR event! All suggestions welcomed! Hope to hear from you soon and you can respond to any of these blog threads…we invite you!